Featured Products

Beginner Sweater - Easy Eyelet Yoke Sweater
Is a handknit sweater a goal of yours? Have you tried in the past and it didn’t seem to work out the way you wanted? Come make one with Julia!

Learn to Knit - Foundations of Knitting
So you want to learn to knit? Perhaps you've been thinking about picking up a knitting hobby to make yourself a cozy scarf. Come to this 2 class series to try it out and see if your passing interest can turn into your new favorite pastime.

Work-In-Progress/Group Help Sessions
Open to all levels - bring whatever you're working on. These sessions are a great place to get some extra support for a project you're finding challenging, learn a new technique, and maybe make some new friends.
Featured Categories
We inspire and encourage every fiber enthusiast on their creative path. We know when you spend the time creating something with your hands, it's important to have materials that bring joy to your hands and heart. We focus on natural fibers and support independent dyers while also carrying those all important yarns that you can't live without because of their consistent feel and color that work in so many projects.
We are a community of creators who encourage, inspire, and educate each other.
We are a community of creators who encourage, inspire, and educate each other.